Monday, October 26, 2009

Ping Pong Table Storage

As you can see by the picture, one of the things most often considered when buying a ping pong table is if it can be folded up and store in a smaller area. The idea behind this desire is fairly easy to see, if you have a ping pong table that is taking up a lot of room in your living room or basement, you would like to have the ability to fold it up and store it out of the way for later use. Being that ping pong tables take up so much room, this is not an unreasonable request. However, not all ping pong tables are created equal when it comes to the ability to fold up and store away.

The trend with manufacturing has been to build tables that do fold up. However there have been road-blocks. The most dogging has been safety. Early ping pong tables that offered the ability to be folded and stored, had a design flaw. They would not stay secured in the folded position. When moved one half of the ping pong table came crashing down on top of the person trying to move the table.

To address this problem, manufacturers started to add safety catches to all of their folding ping pong tables. This one action prevented acidental injury due to the table becoming un-folded. However one problem remained.

Even though the ping pong tables were staying folded, when one would try to move it, it tended to fall over in its entirety. The folded ping pong tables were top heavy with narrow bases, providing a very unstable platform to roll around. The fix for this problem was to simply widen the base and the wheel span while lowering the center of gravity. Manufactures also added larger wheel, which rolled better on different surfaces such as carpeting.

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